Whitepapers Reports

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Continuing education and knowledge transfer is important!

We also learn something every day: from our customers and partners, from our day-to-day business, or at training courses and educational events that we regularly attend. On this page, we would like to offer you a collection of valuable and relevant documents in the form of white papers & reports that will help you get started with various topics. Big thanks here, of course, to our many partners who help us provide this content!


Find out which security incidents occurred at German companies in the first half of 2024, what didn’t go so well and how you could have protected yourself from them. You will also gain an insight into the areas of damage and receive valuable insights into the topic of IT security on all 150 pages.

OOPS H1-2024 Report
Spotlight IT Security Whitepaper

Find out what is important in the field of IT security. With practical tips and tricks for implementation and clear recommendations for managers in SMEs who want to familiarize themselves with the subject.

This book is intended for IT professionals involved in the day-to-day operation of wide area networks (WANs) who have deployed a Cisco SD-WAN or are in the process of analyzing the benefits of deployment. In this book, network engineers, network managers, and network architects involved in WAN design and architecture will find an overview of many Cisco SD-WAN features and functions, as well as common use cases in WAN deployment and management.

Cisco’s special edition of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) for Dummies explores the changing network and security environment, the gaps in the existing security stack, and the steps you can take to protect your organization as the network evolves. We explain how these changes pave the way for a new category of solutions: Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) provides different security functions via the cloud.


RIEDEL Networks is Leader in SD-WAN according to ISG Provider Lens

We have positioned ourselves as a market leader and are proud to have already been awarded for the 8th time in a row! The report can be downloaded here free of charge.

We are incredibly proud to be recognized again by Gartner and appreciated by our customers!

Bernhard Pussel sends you the whitepapers & reports
Bernhard Pussel

Chief Sales Officer

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