Spotlight: IT security

Orientation guide for managers in SMEs

Spotlight IT Security - Kostenloses E-Book

IT security is important

But where do I start as a company?

IT Security The importance of the topic is undisputed: companies are constantly exposed to growing threats in the area of cyber security. From small and medium-sized enterprises to global corporations, all are equally potential targets for cybercriminals looking for vulnerabilities to steal data, sabotage systems or extort ransom. With cyber-attacks being reported almost daily, the importance of IT security is undeniable. Statements such as “This doesn’t affect us” or “Our data is of no interest” are no longer tenable in view of the current threat situation.

This white paper aims to give companies a comprehensive understanding of the current threat situation and provide them with practical strategies and solutions to effectively counter these threats. It is particularly aimed at decision-makers who are not originally involved in IT or cyber security, but still need to gain a basic understanding of the topic. This is particularly crucial in view of the NIS2 Directive, which places stricter requirements on cyber security in critical infrastructures and companies. Even non-IT-savvy managers need to be trained in order to make informed decisions and protect their company from potential threats. The white paper is therefore aimed at IT managers, security officers, managing directors, CFOs and other decision-makers who are responsible for the security of their company. It is intended to help raise awareness of the constantly growing risks and at the same time highlight concrete measures to identify and ward off these threats.

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