IT Security

Playing it safe when it comes to safety

Hands off my network!

Almost daily, the news is peppered with reports of security incidents at well-known companies. Be it a hacker attack that leaked a lot of data, the encryption of systems including ransom demands or the complete takeover of critical systems: None of this is what you want for your own network.

The number of unreported incidents of this kind is probably many times higher. Reason enough to take a close look at your own network security status quo and implement an appropriate protection concept.

The topic of security already starts at the lowest level of the OSI model on layer 1 and can be implemented consistently and sensibly up to layer 7 by means of special precautions. We will show you how this works in detail and how to make sure that your network belongs to you, and ONLY to you!

Risks in the operation of IT networks
Security in the IT network architecture on all layers

Security in the IT network architecture

Every organization should protect itself from cyber attacks.

IT security is an essential part of the modern business environment to minimize risks, protect sensitive data and maintain the trust of customers and partners.

Cybercriminals target their attacks not only at large corporations or government agencies, but also at small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individuals.

Therefore, IT security is important for several reasons:

Protection from cyberattacks: In an increasingly connected world, businesses and organizations are constantly exposed to threats from cybercriminals. Effective IT security protects against attacks such as data leaks, malware, phishing and hacking to preserve sensitive information and prevent financial damage.

Data protection and compliance: With the growing importance of data protection, companies must ensure that they adequately protect the personal data of their customers and employees. IT security helps to comply with data protection standards and meet legal requirements such as the DSGVO (General Data Protection Regulation).

Business continuity: A security incident can have a significant impact on business continuity. Appropriate IT security measures can minimize the risk of downtime, data loss and business interruptions, ensuring the stability and smooth operation of the company.

Protecting reputation and customer trust: A security incident can severely damage a company’s reputation and shake customer confidence. Customer data loss or data breaches can result in a significant loss of credibility and customer loyalty. Strong IT security strengthens customer confidence and protects a company’s reputation.

Security in the IT network architecture through defense systems
Security in the IT network architecture through defense systems

Competitive advantageCompanies that implement a robust IT security strategy can gain a competitive advantage. Customers and partners usually prefer companies that can securely protect their data and information. Good IT security can therefore help to gain the trust of potential customers and improve positioning in the market.

Security in the IT network architecture: Many adjusting screws

Laws such as the IT Security Act and regulations such as the DSGVO set out general requirements for IT security, but often do not provide detailed specifications or specific technical solutions. It is the responsibility of the companies to identify and implement appropriate security measures that meet the respective requirements. Companies should therefore familiarize themselves with the relevant legal provisions and implement appropriate IT security measures to meet the legal requirements and protect their systems and data.

Misconceptions in IT security

Virus protection

What is good for my private computer, I can also use for my company network.

Virus protection

Supposed security packages from reputable antivirus companies for private individual users have no place in the professional IT infrastructure! Here are completely different options that make the network really secure!


Security gaps also exist within the company's own ranks


Not all employees have a sound basic understanding of IT and security. Often, even supposedly self-evident basics of IT security are Bohemian villages and provide a target for unwanted visitors to the network.

RED Team Attacks!

Well protected with RIEDEL Enterprise Defense!

Choose R.E.D to Protect

Our R.E.D. team will take over the protection of your company network, using proven security mechanisms and strategies.

OOPS H1-2024 Report

Security gaps in German companies

The OOPS H1-2024 report provides an analysis of security incidents at German companies in the first half of 2024. Find out which sectors were most affected and which errors led to the greatest damage at companies. With insights into areas of damage and specific protective measures, our white paper offers you valuable knowledge to strengthen your IT security strategy. Learn from real incidents and minimize risks for your own company.

OOPS H1-2024 Report
Who already relies on RIEDEL Networks
All risks on screen?

An effective IT security strategy should be regularly reviewed, updated and adapted to ever-changing needs.

  • Cyber Attacks

The threat of cyberattacks is ever-present. Enterprises must defend against a wide range of attacks, including malware, phishing, ransomware, and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. Constantly evolving attack methods require continuous adaptation of security measures.

  • Data loss and theft

Companies are often the target of attacks aimed at stealing or damaging sensitive data. The loss of customer data, intellectual property or other confidential information can have serious financial and legal consequences.

  • Employee errors and insider threats

Careless employees can cause security breaches through unintentional actions, such as opening infected email attachments or sharing credentials. Insider threats, where authorized employees act maliciously, are also a challenge. After all, security in IT network architecture includes not only machines, but also people.

  • Complex IT infrastructures

Companies often operate complex IT infrastructures with a variety of network devices, operating systems and applications. Ensuring security in such an environment requires extensive knowledge of the systems and regular updates to close security gaps.

  • Compliance requirements

Companies often have to meet different compliance requirements, depending on their industry and location. These include regulations on the protection of personal data (such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation), industry-specific requirements (such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), and other legal requirements. Compliance with these regulations can be challenging.

  • Lack of resources

Many companies do not have sufficient IT security resources, whether in the form of budgets, expertise or personnel. Ensuring adequate security in IT network architecture requires investment in technologies, training and qualified security experts.

  • Technological advances

While new technologies such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence bring many benefits, they also expand the attack surface and present additional security challenges. Companies need to ensure they keep up with the latest developments and implement appropriate security measures.

Marcel Kühn, CISO & Teamleiter Global IT Infrastruktur bei Gedore

Technologische Impulse, Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit

„Wir waren auf der Suche nach einem Partner, der uns kompetent und auf Augenhöhe berät und eine zuverlässige Netzwerkanbindung, selbst in ländlichen Regionen, gewährleistet. In Riedel Networks haben wir diesen Partner gefunden. Die Partnerschaft zeichnet sich durch technologische Impulse, Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit aus, was die Zusammenarbeit auf allen Ebenen – von der Führung bis zur Fachkraft – besonders wertvoll macht.“


Marcel Kühn, CISO Team Leader Global IT Infrastructure at Gedore
Thomas Schroeder Portrait

Ein flexibler Partner für ein komplexes Projekt

“Dadurch, dass die Zusammenarbeit mit einem so professionellen und flexiblen Partner vieles vereinfacht hat, konnten wir Kosten einsparen. Mit einem anderen Anbieter hätten wir in den vergangenen drei Jahren sehr wahrscheinlich 30 Prozent mehr in unser Netzwerk investieren müssen. Die Partnerschaft mit Riedel Networks, vom Account-Management bis zur technischen Beratung, hat sich für Kyocera Document Solutions Europe ein ums andere Mal als äußerst wertvoll erwiesen.”

Thomas Schroeder, Manager IT Operations Management at KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe B.V.
Tobias Dölder Portrait

Eine privilegierte Partnerschaft

“Dank Riedel Networks verfügt Faller Packaging heute über ein modernes, vollständig redundantes, hochtransparentes und hochverfügbares SD-WAN-Netzwerk, das unsere sieben europäischen Niederlassungen und 1.300 Mitarbeiter verbindet. Von der Geschäftszentrale über die Werkshallen bis zum Lager sind unsere Leute jetzt für die dynamische Fertigung mit kurzfristig zu erfüllenden Quoten gerüstet, denn sie können sich auf eine stabile Infrastruktur verlassen – und mein IT-Team hat den idealen Partner gefunden, der eine einwandfreie Netzwerkfunktion garantiert.”

Tobias Dölder, Head IT Systems, Faller Packaging

Wir fanden den perfekten Partner

“Die IT ist das Rückgrat jeder Organisation. Das gilt besonders für die Medizin, wo Fehler teuer werden können. Riedel hat sich als exzellenter Partner erwiesen, und die Entscheidung für ein verwaltetes Netzwerk war in jeder Hinsicht gut und richtig.”

Torsten Emmanuel, Chief Information Officer, ATOS Kliniken
John Steeghs_bw

Innovative Kommunikationslösungen mit Riedel Networks

“Mit dem richtigen Partner im Geschäft – und im Leben – sind auch die größten Hindernisse überwindbar. Riedel hat sich als der richtige Partner erwiesen, nicht nur bei der Entwicklung, sondern auch für alle unterstützenden Prozesse. Die Gewissheit, ein verlässliches Netzwerk und einen zuverlässigen Partner zu haben, sind für mich unbezahlbar. Ich freue mich darauf, mit ihnen an einer Funklösung für Rennwagen in anderen Wettbewerbsbereichen zusammenzuarbeiten.”

John Steeghs, Senior Manager Team Management and Logistics at TOYOTA GAZOO Racing Europe GmbH
Linus Linder Portrait

Unser SD-WAN läuft perfekt!

„Die Herausforderungen für die IT von heute bestehen nicht mehr in der Instandhaltung von Infrastruktur. IT muss einen Mehrwert schaffen, indem sie Auftraggeber und Kunden dabei unterstützt, dem Wettbewerb voraus zu sein. Unser SD-WAN läuft perfekt und wir haben seit der Umstellung (auf RIEDEL) von unserem MPLS keinen einzigen Ausfall gehabt. Riedel betreut unsere Netzwerkinfrastruktur und unsere Internetanbindung, sodass wir uns darauf konzentrieren können, unsere Kunden bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Das Unternehmen hat in unserem Namen neue Vereinbarungen mit unseren Last-Mile-Anbietern verhandelt und uns geholfen, unnötige Telekommunikationskosten einzusparen. Dieses eingesparte Geld reinvestieren wir in Managed Services. Mit denselben Ausgaben erreichen wir also deutlich mehr.“

Linus Linder, Head of IT at Müller - Die lila Logistik AG

Riedel verbindet für uns zwei Welten: Broadcast und IT.

Wenn es um die Übertragung eines erstklassigen Events wie der Formel 1 geht, ist eine starke und verlässliche Partnerschaft ein absolutes Muss. Wir arbeiten schon seit vielen Jahren mit Riedels RiLink zusammen. Sobald das Glasfaserkabel mit unserer Produktionseinheit verbunden ist, wachen alle Systeme auf, verbinden sich sofort mit ihren Hosts und beginnen, Dateien oder Nachrichten zu senden.

Friedrich Behringer, Technical Operations Manager, RTL NEWS